Algorithms of the IQ search engines – ToYou
Why are the results of SEO tools usually inaccurate and often wrong?
The results of SEO tools can sometimes be inaccurate or negative,
because the SEO algorithms of search engines are very complex and constantly
constantly changing.
SEO development with AI these algorithms take into account many
different factors, including the relevance and quality of the content
content, user experience, use of keywords, backlinks and many other factors.
backlinks and many other factors.
SEO tools can attempt to measure and quantify these factors,
but it is difficult to accurately capture all aspects of SEO algorithms.
Also, some SEO tools may rely on outdated data
or work with inaccurate data, which can lead to
can lead to inaccurate results.
250 OTK develop approximately 60,000 RUC. T.R.A.I. AI algorithm
Continuous rotations and direct data transfer via Google interface reduce the flood of complaints about poor and unstable optimisation by a large number of SEO agencies.
IQ – ToYou software for homepages. SEO development with AI
T.R.A.I. AI is resistant to Google updates.
Tech. SEO check of your website – no costs.
10 to 30 keywords in the top ranking within 90 days.
T.R.A.I. – Technical Ranking Algorithm Intelligence – Software with AI control.
Automated optimisation processes.
250 OTK (orientation keywords) as the basis for optimisation.
Development of almost 60,000 RuK (rank up keywords) as a keyword channel.
Each keyword is given its own ID number. (fingerprint).
T.R.A.I. – keywords are displayed transparently (visibly).
T.R.A.I. – Package especially for business founders and start-ups.
T.R.A.I. – Package especially for SMEs.
T.R.A.I. – Package especially for corporate groups.
Stable and fair prices.
NEW – TRAI optimisation for Google Adwords (Ads) (positive ranking effects for the first time) and much more.
This takes place between us and extraordinary institutions, which through their work, their research, their services and their actions are valuable not only for our country, but also for Europe and the rest of the world.
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We ensure economic growth on a digital basis.
We at IQ – ToYou offer our innovative and sustainable partnership, cooperation and innovative collaboration.